The first day of the Flats Race called for a 69 mile task with three turnpoints ending back at the hotel. The forecast called for blue skies and lift averaging 700fpm though I feel it was quite less than that.
I wanted to launch early so I wouldn't get caught in line with all my gear on in the desert heat. After getting up, I found myself fighting for lift in a gaggle of about 30 gliders. The lift was spotty and light and took a lot of patience to make it work.
The second turnpoint was near a huge, gnarly mountain. I had one of those "magical" moments and had to snap a picture. It's a bit crooked but I was busy in a thermal. These mountains look so much less forgiving than the ones I fly around back home.
I struggled a bit in that thermal and ended up losing everyone. After getting up to about 8,400ft I left for the 3rd turnpoint. I could see the gaggle there in front turning in something. I arrived a bit lower than them and was unable to find the lift. After hitting the turnpoint I went on glide all the way to the ground. I didn't score all that well but I had a great flight none the less. Arizona is beautiful from the air.
Looks like your a day behind? Nice flyin' dude! Super cool pic. of the mtn. and endless desert. Weren't you scared all alone? Goal day two!!! Do it again today! can't believe you can even finish a day at all on that dinosaur your flying. Them boys better watch out if you ever get a wing comprable to theirs. Keep it up. FLY HIGH, FLY FAR, FLY FAST, STAY SAFE!!!
are you friends with that Lucas guy? your so lucky!
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