Wednesday, December 23, 2009

More from the vault

My "anonymous" buddy Scott complained a bit about the fact that I don't post enough on the ole' blog. So, I decided to put up some more pics from the vault. The first one is of Scott and was taken just after his first successful paraglider tree landing. Be sure and check out his new blog at fun with the shutter speed and a keychain light.The hard part is over...This is probably the grossest tatt I've ever seen (not mine)A shot from the new bird. Lift-off of a new rocket with my oldest son.Running under low, thick clouds on my way to the point in Chattanooga.Poor feller....


David said...

Bet you could crank these out and sell easy.

Anonymous said...

i like your new Christmas Kitty tattoo, it's disgusting for sure and i would guess that digging the lint from your belly has a whole new feel for your lovely wife. And your friend Scott looks like an idiot for sure and his BLOG sux! I know him and i don't think he even knows how to type let alone work a computer.