Here is an end-grain cutting board made of mahogony and maple. I still have some sanding to do before I oil it. The oil should really bring out the mahogony.
This board is maple and walnut with thin mahogony strips.
Here is an end-grain cutting board made of mahogony and maple. I still have some sanding to do before I oil it. The oil should really bring out the mahogony.
This board is maple and walnut with thin mahogony strips.
Nice looking wood work - you are vary skilled - Albert
BEAUTIFUL WORK YOUNG JEDI.! You never stop do you? just gotta make the rest of us question our worth on this little dirt clod. that's good though. you are an awesome source of motivation! can't wait to get home and see them in person. Lia want's to be spanked with the middle one. : ) YOU DA MAN
THAT'S FINE. YOU DON'T NEED TO RESPOND TO EVERY SILLY COMMENT ON YOUR BLOG. EVEN IF IT MAKE'S A PERSON FEEL LIKE YOU JUST DON'T CARE! poor lil' second anonymous, all left out, floating alone in cyber space. WE STILL THINK YOUR COOL, EVEN IF YOUR TO BUSY FOR THE LITTLE PEOPLE. ( I think that Lucas dude has a crush on you. keeps putting up pics. of you on his sight.? what happened on that Fla. trip?) ALRIGHT THEN, BUGGER OFF, KEEP ON DOING IT! STAY SAFE, HAVE FUN- DFU!!!
Thank you for your kind words Snott Skydirrrrt
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