Sunday, September 20, 2009

Santa Cruz Flats Race

We finally arrived here in Casa Grande, Arizona late on Friday night. The drive wasn't so bad on the first day, but the second seemed to drag a little. I think it was about 30 hours or so.

This place is nice. A towering hotel with pool, lounge, restaurant, and golf course with lush green grass surrounded by miles of desert. It's an oasis and I still can't figure out why they built it here, but I like it. They just finished paving a runway next to the driving range for us to take-off on.
Here is some pictures from outside our room.

I'm eager to get into the air and have a look around. The weather seems to be nice today with light winds and cloudbase around 12,000ft. Stay tuned for updates!

1 comment:

Scott said...

Looks like a sweet set-up area. Sounds like that rag of a wing your flyin' slowed you down a bit yesterday. NO WORRIES, you just gotta show them boys it aint always about the wing!!! GOOD LUCK today. Show us a pic. from goal later of everyone coming in BEHIND you! HAVE FUN, GET HIGH, FLY FAST, GO FAR, STAY SAFE!!!